Flat white

How to Make a Perfect Flat White

The flat white is a popular coffee beverage known for its smooth, velvety texture and rich flavour. Originating from Australia and New Zealand, this drink has become a favorite in coffee shops worldwide. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the steps to make a flat white at home, ensuring a perfect balance of espresso and microfoam.

Flat white


  • Espresso: 1-2 shots (about 30-60ml)
  • Milk: 120-180ml of whole milk is preferred for its creaminess


  • Espresso machine: For pulling the espresso shots
  • Milk frother or steam wand: For frothing the milk
  • Thermometer: Optional, to check milk temperature
  • Milk pitcher: For frothing and pouring milk

Steps to Make a Flat White

1. Prepare the Espresso

Start by brewing one to two shots of espresso using your espresso machine. The key to a great flat white is a strong, rich espresso base. Aim for a dark, full-bodied shot with a good layer of crema on top.

2. Froth the Milk

  • Pour the milk into a milk pitcher. The amount of milk should be enough to create a thin layer of microfoam while still providing enough liquid to fill your cup.
  • Use a steam wand or milk frother to heat the milk. The ideal temperature for flat white milk is around 60-65°C (140-150°F). If you don’t have a thermometer, aim for a temperature where the milk is hot to touch but not scalding.
  • To create microfoam, position the steam wand just below the surface of the milk and introduce air by gently stretching the milk. Once the milk starts to expand and becomes slightly frothy, submerge the steam wand deeper into the milk to create a smooth, velvety texture.

3. Combine the Espresso and Milk

  • Pour the espresso into your coffee cup.
  • Swirl the milk pitcher to integrate the microfoam with the steamed milk, creating a uniform texture.
  • Pour the milk over the espresso. Start by pouring slowly, then increase the speed as you fill the cup. Aim for a smooth, consistent pour that creates a silky surface without too much foam.

4. Perfecting the Presentation

A hallmark of a great flat white is its smooth, velvety appearance. The milk should seamlessly blend with the espresso, creating a uniform light brown color. If you’re feeling creative, you can try your hand at latte art by manipulating the milk pour to create simple designs like a heart or a rosette.

Tips for Making a Flat White

  • Use Freshly Roasted Coffee Beans: For the best flavor, use freshly roasted and ground coffee beans.
  • Whole Milk for Creaminess: Whole milk is recommended for its creamy texture, but you can use alternatives like oat milk or almond milk if preferred.
  • Practice Makes Perfect: Achieving the right milk texture can be challenging at first. Practice frothing and pouring to perfect your technique.


Making a flat white at home is a rewarding process that allows you to enjoy a café-quality coffee in the comfort of your kitchen. By mastering the balance of rich espresso and creamy microfoam, you can create a delicious flat white that rivals your favorite coffee shop’s version. Enjoy your flat white with a moment of relaxation or share it with friends and family as a testament to your barista skills.

For more detailed guides and tips on making coffee, check out resources like Perfect Daily Grind and Coffee at Three. Happy brewing!

How to Make a Perfect Flat White
Article Name
How to Make a Perfect Flat White
The flat white is a popular coffee beverage known for its smooth, velvety texture and rich flavor. Originating from Australia and New Zealand, this drink has become a favorite in coffee shops worldwide. In this blog post, we'll guide you through the steps to make a flat white at home, ensuring a perfect balance of espresso and microfoam.
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.Balmforth and Co
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