Amaretto Affogato

2 Pumps Amaretto Syrup
2 Shots Espresso
150ml Ice Cream
How to make:
Place ice cream into a glass. In a separate glass, run the espresso and mix in the syrup. Pour the mix over the ice cream. Serve.
Alternatively, contact the team on 0800 169 3686!
Take a look at our offers…

Take advantage of our syrup bundle and save over 20%! The deal includes; syrups, recipe posters, a recipe calendar and syrup rack. See more here!

Serve your Flat White in a 9oz cup, instead of the standard 12oz.
With a case of 640 cups for just £40.95 (was £60!)
Saving £22.05 per case!
Quote code: BCOCUP9